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Guided tour during the provision of a horse-drawn carriage for a walk in the park of the estate museum

Guided tour during the provision of a horse-drawn carriage for a walk in the park of the estate museum
Oceń ten artykuł
(0 głosów)
Republic of Belarus, Grodno region, Smorgon district, agricultural town Zalesye

Excursion during the provision of a horse-drawn carriage for a walk in the park of the estate museum
We invite you on a carriage tour of Oginsky Park
Dear friends! We invite you to a tour of the estate of Michal Kleofas Oginski. The excursion will be conducted in a carriage pulled by a pair of horses. The nature of this area, the atmosphere of the estate, beautiful landscapes attract many tourists to "North Athens". Today we propose to ride along the paths of the English park in a carriage, listen to the music of the water on the dam near the mill, admire the small islands on the lake and learn many interesting facts about the Oginsky family. Carriage tours are available on Saturday and Sunday by appointment.

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