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Healthcare establishment «Lida Central Regional Hospital»

Healthcare establishment «Lida Central Regional Hospital»
Oceń ten artykuł
(0 głosów)
1, Mitskevicha str., Lida, 231300

Lida central regional hospital is a leading medical healthcare institution of the region providing help to adult and children population.

Medical network of the Healthcare Institution Lida Central Regional Hospital consists of in-patient departments of total capacity more than 1000 beds and outpatient service with total capacity of more than 1800 visits per shift.

In the region work: Central Regional Polyclinic, City Polyclinic No.1, City Polyclinic No.2, Stomatological Polyclinic, Children’s Polyclinic, Polyclinic of Berezovka City Hospital, 6 independent medical ambulatories, 5 medical ambulatories at district hospitals.

There are three dispensaries (antituberculous, psychiatrical narcological, dermatovenerologic), the center for women, blood transfusion station, emergency station, 17 medical and obstetric centers work.

About 570 doctors and 1300 paramedical workers work in the healthcare system.

Directions of medical care: therapy, endocrinology, hematology, nephrology, gastroenterology, cardiology, pulmonology, neurology, rheumatology, surgery, purulent surgery, urology, oncology, hemodialysis, otorhinolaryngology for adults and children, obstetrics and gynecology, ophthalmology, pediatrics, phthisiology, dermatovenereology, physiotherapy, psychiatry and narcology.

Our services include:

Paid medical services for foreign citizen (full list).

  • Usługi medyczne:
    • Psychoterapia i psychologia
      • Pomoc psychologiczna
    • Toksykologia
      • Leczenie uzależnień
      • Alcohol addiction treatment
    • Stomatologia
      • Usługi stomatologiczne
      • Leczenie
      • Profesjonalna higiena jamy ustnej
      • Przygotowanie do protetyki
    • Diagnostyka
      • Badania KT
      • Badania radiograficzne
      • Porady lekarzy
      • Ultrasonografia
      • Badania endoskopowe
      • Diagnostyka funkcjonalna
      • Badania laboratoryjne
    • Ginekologia
      • Aborcja medyczna
      • Ginekologiczny manipulacji
      • Operacje ginekologiczne
      • Aborcja terapeutyczna
      • Indywidualne zarządzanie pracą
      • Chirurgia laparoskopowa
    • Chirurgia
      • Chirurdzy
      • Manipulacjom
    • Okulistyka
      • Badania okulistyczne
      • Okulistyczne manipulacji
    • Rehabilitacja
      • Masaż
      • Fizjoterapia

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