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The recreation center "Vyachkoyni"

The recreation center "Vyachkoyni"
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derevnya Vyachkoyni

The recreation center "Vyachkoyni" is a two-story wooden house with all amenities. There is a large banquet room for 60 guests, 7 bedrooms, two bathrooms and an additional bathroom, equipped kitchen. For the comfort of guests, air conditioning, a fireplace, a washing machine, a TV, karaoke, and professional musical equipment for events are provided. For the night in the house can stay 12 people. Landscaping was completed on the territory of Vyachkoyni Manor: there are both open lawns and a fruit-bearing garden, in the shade of which you can hide on a hot day. There is also a gazebo with barbecue facilities, a stage, benches for relaxation, a guest house, a lake with a pier and boats, a volleyball court and an aviary with semi-wild boars. At night, neon lights illuminate the estate. For events there is a large banquet room for 60 guests, an equipped stage on the street, professional musical equipment, sports grounds. Catering is possible in a convenient format: catering or home cooking from the hostess. OJSC "Builder".

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переменная облачность
220V / 50 Hz
+03:00 (Europe/Minsk)