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Agrostead "Khutor Komarishki"

Agrostead "Khutor Komarishki"
Oceń ten artykuł
(0 głosów)
Ostrovets district, village Bolshaya Stracha, str. Tsentralnaya, 2

"Khutor Komarishki" - a private estate surrounded by centuries-old forest. This allows guests to enjoy the natural silence and observe birds and animals in their natural habitat. Comfortable accommodation is provided by a guest house equipped with everything necessary. In inclement weather, you can watch movies on the big screen or play Board games. But in good weather, on the street you can: 

jump on a large trampoline, learn to walk on a slackline, shoot a bow, try yourself on a climbing wall, test your accuracy in Darts, ride on the carousel "big steps", play table tennis and climb to a 12-meter height to go down on a Troll. You can get acquainted with the surrounding area by following the ecological trail, riding bicycles along the developed Bicycle routes, kayaking on the Sarochanskiye ozera lakes or the rivers Stracha and Vilia, as well as making a car trip along the route "pilgrim" to visit 12 churches located within a radius of 50 km from the agrostead. Well, classic village entertainment: fishing, hunting, mushrooms, berries, bath. In winter, you can walk through the forest on tourist skis, skate on a lighted skating rink or go down the hills on a tubing.

On the estate, you can try the bread without yeast from the Russian oven, Ivan-chay of your own preparation and honey from the apiary. On the territory of the estate, there is a collection of old household items, which you can get to know better the history of the Belarusian village.

wi-fi, Parking.

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220V / 50 Hz
+03:00 (Europe/Minsk)