Sarochanskie Lakes
Route: includes 9 lakes: Lake Baran'skoe, Lake Kevel, Lake Beloe, Lake Turovskoe, Lake Zolovskoe, Lake Kaimino, Lake Tumskoe, Lake Golubino, Lake Podkostelok. Route length: 20 km Completion time: 2 days Description: Day 1 - visiting the Kazimir Svoyak museum in the village of Barani, the family chapel-burial vault of the Svolsky family, as well as the passage of 6 lakes. Overnight at Lake Kaimino in tents with a gazebo and a fireplace. Day 2 - passing 3 lakes (Lake Tumskoye, Lake Golubino, Lake Podkotelok) and an excursion program in the village of Svir. Food point: lunches along the route at organized parking.
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